February 2014 - Cloud Nine's Valentine's Newsletter April 30 2014

Tender hearts for Valentine's and Cloud Nine's year in pictures
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Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde's work had us enthralled in 2013. He adjusts the temperature and humidity on a fog machine to produce clouds that last just long to be captured on film.
Marshmallow Hearts
Made of Champagne and strawberries
'Guimauve' is the French word for marshmallows, and also a slang term for the sentimental. What better time than Valentine's Day to indulge in some quality guimauve with Elizabeth Bishop's poem, below, included on a scroll with online orders for the above.

Close, Close All Night

Close, close all night
the lovers keep.
They turn together
in their sleep,

Close as two pages
in a book
that read each other
in the dark.

Each knows all
the other knows,
learned by heart
from head to toes.

Elizabeth Bishop

Love on Cloud Nine

Marking our first year with a tender but fruity flavour for Valentine's Day, and twelve of our happiest moments 

Thank you so much for your interest, support and orders over this exciting past year. And a special THANK YOU to the very lovely Sophie Dahl, whose early tweet about us may have spurred the trend for gourmet marshmallows, and whose new website, Sophiedahl.com, is more banquet than feast for the mind, and features a piece and recipe from Cloud Nine

JANUARY Our very first batch of as yet unnamed Cloud Nines, triumphantly roasted by Jesse and me
FEBRUARY Served on a silver platter at Port Eliot's ceramics exhibition - proud moment
MARCH Photographer Dirk Lindner and Cloud Nine's ĂŠminence grise Louis Eliot take our frivolous confectionary very seriously for the website shoot at Port Eliot
APRIL We buy a kayak! Many happy hours will be spent on board, and a few dragging it through the mud when we've misjudged the tides on the River Lynher
MAY Playing shop in our new gazebo at the first of many summer stalls. Never enough samples.
JUNE Matador Poppy and Zita Lloyd prepare for a sell-out day on our stall at London's Art Car Boot Fair. How fabulous is our colour-coordinated prop - the vintage Vauxhall Cresta?
JULY The Idle Garden Party at Fenton House - Arthur Hodgkinson heroically reaches for our very last balloon, saving a little girl's tears
AUGUST The kitchen garden at our HQ is bounteous this summer and makes for award-winning Double Raspberry marshmallows
SEPTEMBER Does it get any better? The kids stay up late and our marshmallows hit the spot at Luella Bartley's summer camp in north Cornwall
OCTOBER After-school club at Cornwall's Portwrinkle beach
NOVEMBER: An afternoon running around Selfridges, and a good excuse to check out their Cloud Nine display
DECEMBER Orders off the scale and the marshmallows are taking over the house. 
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