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Past Newsletters

September 2014 - Treats for Tweets and How to Float with Cloud Nine March 04 2015

Treats for Tweets and How to Float with Cloud Nine
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Are You In For a Tweet?

If, like us, you love a good chat, feel free to join us on Twitter and let us know what you think. All marshmallow-making queries welcome too. We’re keen on sharing special times, good jokes and striking snaps, and we've started sending out free marshmallows for nothing more than a Retweet. Chirpy chirpy!
A packet of Cloud Nine Marshmallows for our 700th follower
Follow us on Twitter

Cloud Nine Through a Lens

It’s been an exciting few months on Cloud Nine: festivals, fairs, camps, carnivals, barn dances, high days, holidays, countless weddings and the ecstatic ribbon-cutting at the freshly painted stable door of our shiny new Cloud Nine kitchen. Our very personal Instagram page offers glimpses of our business, our colourful Cornish life and the characters we love.
A packet of Cloud Nines Marshmallows for our 400th follower
Join us on Instagram

Marshmallows Are For Sharing

If you love winning prizes, seeing the goings-on at Cloud Nine Marshmallows and having your say, then our Facebook page is the one for you to like. We have lots in store for Christmas, and we’re prone to throwing out brain-teasing challenges, and maybe even the odd recipe.
A packet of Cloud Nines for our 600th follower
Like us on Facebook
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May 2014 - Cloud Nine Strikes Gold, Festivals, Fortnums, Competition March 04 2015

Cloud Nine Strikes Gold, Festivals, Fortnums, Competition
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Our Salted Caramel Peanut flavour is as fluffy as can be and impossibly more-ish, and we're thrilled that this has been recognised by the discerning judges at Taste of the West, making it three awards for the mantelpiece.

The new Champagne and Strawberries marshmallows are bound to hit the spot too. Three of you can win a packet of this and any two other flavours by suggesting what the titles and authors of the three books in the photograph below might be. They can be made up or real.
Prizes for the wittiest entries here.

The Vauxhall Art Car Boot Fair - 'The artworld’s most exuberant event’ according to the Sunday Times - is back, with many of our favourite artists, including Gavin Turk, Wilma Johnson, Tracey Emin and Polly Morgan, as well as actress Patsy Palmer on the decks for the Just for Kids' Law charity. We'll be inviting everyone onto Cloud Nine at our stall there.

Sunday June 8th 12 - 6pm, Shoreditch
Entrance on the corner of Brick Lane and Buxton Street, London E1 

A sumptuous, light-hearted finishing touch for weddings, christening and launches. New Favour section here, and we now print the gift tags! 
We have added options for larger quantities, delivered without packaging, so you can cater for high days, holidays and 'Of course I made them myself' days. 
My mother is pictured here tightrope-walkng at a Seventies festival. She would shed costume layers and scatter sherbet flying saucers to spectators. That is me above, beneath her feet, gathering both layers and sweets. If you'd like to know how my upbringing led to Cloud Nine, please read my piece for here.
The blissful four days of summer that is Port Eliot Festival are imminent. This year Fortnum and Mason are sponsoring the new Flower and Fodder Stage and festival-goers can order a special Fortnums hamper to be delivered to their tents, which will include a packet of Lemon Meringue Cloud Nines. We'll be running a stall there. as well as giving away some secrets at a demo where we'll show you how to make our natural luxury marshmallows. Can life get any sweeter? Find out more here about the partnership here and book your tickets here.

Thursday 24th-27th July, St Germans, Cornwall

"I had a dream last night, I was eating a ten pound marshmallow. I woke up this morning and the pillow was gone.” - Tommy Cooper
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March 2014 - Cloud Nine's Golden Ticket Newsletter April 30 2014

Port Eliot Festival: how to get in free! Mallow'd-up celebs. Ideal wedding favours. Appeal for Dad. Don't forget Mum!
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 Up! Roll Up!

Win a pair of weekend tickets to the fantabulous 
Port Eliot Festival
July 24th-28th
This most beloved celebration of words, music, fashion, flowers and food is an outdoors version of Roald Dahl's Chocolate Factory - a usually concealed Shangri-La with unexpected marvels down every path. So here on Cloud Nine we've dreamt up a modern Golden Ticket. In one of the packets or jars of marshmallows purchased here, you will find a glistening ticket. That Golden ticket, worth £345, will open the gates for two of you to all four days and nights of stimulation and revelry in an unforgettable setting. The draw lasts a month, or until the Golden Ticket is found.

Don't forget to tick the Golden Ticket box at checkout and Good Luck!

“One of Britain’s most idyllic festivals, Port Eliot feels like a madcap garden party unfurling across the grounds of an ancient stately home. It’s fantastical, fashionable, and more than a little special.” – Elle 

Terms and conditions here    

We may be on Cloud Nine, but we are not above a touch of shameless propaganda, and have been frivolously gathering celebrity endorsements for your entertainment. Daisy (above) and Pearl Lowe; Rhys Ifans; Gavin Turk (below); Pam Hogg, Jasmine Guinness, Suggs - they are all here. Free Cloud Nines if you can add to the In Cloud gallery!

Mother's Day Poem
and an appeal for my father

Mother's Day is on March 30th. What better present than a luxurious packet of our sumptuous, feather-lightmarshmallows through the post? Along with a lie-in of course. 
My father wrote the tender lines below, about my grandmother.
 His latest collection of poems is out today.

Dinner with my Mother

My mother is saying 'Now'.

'Now,' she says, taking down a saucepan,

putting it on the stove.

She doesn't say anything else for a while,

so that time passes slowly, on the simmer,

until it is 'Now' again
as she hammers out our steaks
for Steak Diane.
I have to be on hand at times like this
for table-laying
drink replenishment
and general conversational encouragement,
but I am getting hungry
and there is nowhere to sit down.
'Now,' I say, making a point
of opening a bottle of wine.
My mother isn't listening. 
She's miles away,
testing the sauce with a spoon,
narrowing her eyes through the steam.
'Now,' she says very slowly, meaning
which is it to be,
the rosemary or the tarragon vinegar
for the salad dressing?
I hold my breath, lest anything
should go wrong at the last minute.
But now it is really 'Now',
our time to sit and eat.

Hugo Williams

On another note, my own mother and I have started a Facebook search here for an angelic kidney donor, as Dad, now on dialysis for three years, is in urgent need of one, before he is too ill for a transplant. Please join and spread the word.

High Days
and Holidays

America's latest export is the 'Favour', essentially a goody bag for grown-ups and now a sine qua non at weddings, parties and other special events over here. You can order Cloud Nine favours with ribbons in 25 colours here (we'll be packaging them in clear cubes soon), where you might also find inspiration in the shots of some of our previous event bookings. 
We love nothing better than a challenge and welcome any weird and wonderful requests: leaf-shaped marshmallows, marshmallows adorned with edible gold, Lychee-liqueur flavoured marshmallows, why not? The sky is the limit.
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February 2014 - Cloud Nine's Valentine's Newsletter April 30 2014

Tender hearts for Valentine's and Cloud Nine's year in pictures
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Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde's work had us enthralled in 2013. He adjusts the temperature and humidity on a fog machine to produce clouds that last just long to be captured on film.
Marshmallow Hearts
Made of Champagne and strawberries
'Guimauve' is the French word for marshmallows, and also a slang term for the sentimental. What better time than Valentine's Day to indulge in some quality guimauve with Elizabeth Bishop's poem, below, included on a scroll with online orders for the above.

Close, Close All Night

Close, close all night
the lovers keep.
They turn together
in their sleep,

Close as two pages
in a book
that read each other
in the dark.

Each knows all
the other knows,
learned by heart
from head to toes.

Elizabeth Bishop

Love on Cloud Nine

Marking our first year with a tender but fruity flavour for Valentine's Day, and twelve of our happiest moments 

Thank you so much for your interest, support and orders over this exciting past year. And a special THANK YOU to the very lovely Sophie Dahl, whose early tweet about us may have spurred the trend for gourmet marshmallows, and whose new website,, is more banquet than feast for the mind, and features a piece and recipe from Cloud Nine

JANUARY Our very first batch of as yet unnamed Cloud Nines, triumphantly roasted by Jesse and me
FEBRUARY Served on a silver platter at Port Eliot's ceramics exhibition - proud moment
MARCH Photographer Dirk Lindner and Cloud Nine's éminence grise Louis Eliot take our frivolous confectionary very seriously for the website shoot at Port Eliot
APRIL We buy a kayak! Many happy hours will be spent on board, and a few dragging it through the mud when we've misjudged the tides on the River Lynher
MAY Playing shop in our new gazebo at the first of many summer stalls. Never enough samples.
JUNE Matador Poppy and Zita Lloyd prepare for a sell-out day on our stall at London's Art Car Boot Fair. How fabulous is our colour-coordinated prop - the vintage Vauxhall Cresta?
JULY The Idle Garden Party at Fenton House - Arthur Hodgkinson heroically reaches for our very last balloon, saving a little girl's tears
AUGUST The kitchen garden at our HQ is bounteous this summer and makes for award-winning Double Raspberry marshmallows
SEPTEMBER Does it get any better? The kids stay up late and our marshmallows hit the spot at Luella Bartley's summer camp in north Cornwall
OCTOBER After-school club at Cornwall's Portwrinkle beach
NOVEMBER: An afternoon running around Selfridges, and a good excuse to check out their Cloud Nine display
DECEMBER Orders off the scale and the marshmallows are taking over the house. 
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December 2013 - Cloud Nine's Christmas Newsletter April 30 2014

Marshmallow mania, new flavours, special gifts and a seasonal song
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Christmas Rap

Stocking-fillers, Marshmallow Art jars, New Irresistible Flavours and Louis Eliot Celebrates the Wonder of Winter Marshmallows 

The country is going marshmallow mad, if the press and our ever-rumbling mixer is anything to go by. The Telegraph, The Times, The Sunday Times, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Harper's Bazaar and The Daily Mail have been full of superlatives about Cloud Nine over the past month.
If you want to give your family and friends an original, delicious treat for Christmas, or fill the end of their stockings with something luxurious, we have Cornish pixies on hand to ensure our Cloud Nine marshmallows will be delivered to your door within four days. They are also available at Selfridges, Rick Stein's Deli and Patisserie and The Eden Project. And they have just floated over the Irish Sea to Sligo.
Catching up with our award-winning Lemon Meringue and Double Raspberry flavours, are the new rich, Christmassy Spiced Cranberry and Chocolate, laced with Port and pictured above, and Salted Caramel Peanut, a favourite for many. The Peppermint Chocolate is a hit too.
We have also introduced beautiful, hand-blown, limited edition jars with images by Gavin Turk, Martin Parr and Briony Cloke, which can be filled with your choice of flavour, and come in a chic monochrome lidded box. For those who can't choose between them, there's an electronic Cloud Nine Gift Card instead.
If Phil Spector's Christmas Album evokes the best of Christmas for you as it does us, then you will love our special treat from Cloud Nine dragon and singer songwriter Louis Eliot on the homepage. It has a killer Nina Simone-style piano solo.

Twas Christmas broach'd the mightiest ale;
'Twas Christmas told the merriest tale;
A Christmas gambol oft could cheer
The poor man's heart through half the year.

                                                       Walter Scott

Favourite Christmas lyric of the day:
'Does your granny always tell ya that the old songs are the best?
Then she's up and rock'n'rollin' with the rest' - Slade

So here it is - Merry Christmas! 

Cloud Nine Gift Cards available here now, for the easiest, most original gift voucher possible
Louis Eliot, "true pop genius" according to The Times, sprinkles his magic dust over Cloud Nine Marshmallows, with his gorgeous version of a 1949 classic
Cloud Nine Art Jars
Choose from images by Gavin Turk, Martin Parr and Briony Cloke (above), and choose your marshmallow flavour.  We will then fill it up, personalise it with your message, box it up and dispatch it. Done!
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